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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

This Patient Made Me The Most Nervous

People ask me if I'm nervous treating my husband in the dental chair. Nope, not at all.
People ask me if I'm nervous treating my kids in the dental chair. Nah, you're kidding, right?
People ask me if I'm nervous treating my Dad in the dental chair. Never. It's just Dad!

I've never had someone in my dental chair that made me nervous until last week.

My little niece came in for her first dental visit a few weeks ago. (cue drum roll!)

This Little Patient Made Me The Most Nervous

“Choose a job that you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” This quote is from Confucius.  I have heard of this quote but never realize who it was from.  I looked it up on the internet and all the searches included a picture of Confucius looking like an old Chinese man.  Somehow, if a quote comes from an old man with a beard, it’s automatically a wise saying.
That quote is so true of how I feel about being a dentist.  I really enjoy waking up in the morning and coming to work.  Seeing the list of patients on my computer makes me happy because I know I’ll be helping people and they will leave smiling. Most of these patients have been coming to the office for a long time so I get to know them very well. It’s like catching up with friends.
The other week, there was a patient that made me very nervous when I saw her name on my schedule. It was a new patient that I’ve never seen in my office before but just seeing her name made me very anxious. The sweet little 4 year old angel coming into see me was my little niece. This was her first dental visit ever.  She is a wonderful child, well mannered, polite and loves me.  That’s the problem… the last part. She loves me.  She loves me as her auntie and I want to keep it that way.  I don’t want her to be scared of me being her dentist. What if she didn’t want me to even look in her mouth?  What if she refused to sit in the big chair? What if she started to cry?  People who are nervous at the dentist as adults usually had a scary dental visit when they were a child.  I wasn’t sure how she would react that day but I was determined to make it a fun visit for her.  While I checked her parents’ mouths, she sat in the assistant’s chair.  She had on goggles, a mask and gloves and she “helped” me while I checked Mommy and Daddy’s teeth. After they were done, she asked, “Is it my turn now? I want Auntie to check my teeth too!”  (Her parents were such good examples of well-behaved patients! )

Great! This is going to be a fabulous visit!  I explained everything I was going to do and showed her all my dental “toys”.  She sat in the chair while I checked her teeth, we counted how many teeth she had, I cleaned her teeth and gave her a fluoride treatment. What a perfect visit!  We took a picture to remember that moment.  I know she wasn’t a bit nervous but I admit, I took a deep breath of relief after smiling for the photo when I really had nothing to worry about after all.  I’m looking forward to seeing her in my dental chair again in 6 months.  Nothing to worry about at all! 

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