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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Quick and Easy! or Is It?

Last Christmas, I had wanted to make my Dad some spicy roasted nuts. He LOVES nuts. Lately, he had been complaining that his sense of taste is not what it used to be and he wasn't getting as much enjoyment out of eating as he used to. Well, being the good daughter as I am, I decided that for Christmas, I would make him a batch of spicy honey roasted nuts! I did some internet research on what recipes had positive reviews, which pictures looked the best, how many ingredients and how long it took.....THAT is a biggie with me. If something has too many ingredients or it looks like there's too many steps, then it's a no-go.

My first batch came out looking like roasted insects. Was it too much time in the oven or was the honey scorching the culprit? I gave a batch for Dad to try. Not bad, he says! Does it taste burnt? No.... it's.... OK.  Is it spicy enough? It's OK, he says.  Great! Positive reinforcement!  Onto the next batch, then!

The second batch came out much better looking and with a punch of confidence, I added more spiciness! No bland nuts for dear ole Dad!  I packaged it nicely in the original container (from Costco).  Just when I was putting the lid on, my son walks into the kitchen.  "Is that for Gung Gung (Grandpa)?"  "Sure is!", I answered.
"Can you put my name on it as well?" "What?!"  "But what if I make a nice personalized label for it. That way, it will be a joint project!"  "Well, OK, fine."

One of the things I find amusing on the internet are photos of DIY Pintrest Fails.  Sometimes, I wonder if the fails are done horribly on purpose. I mean, there's NO WAY that that cake can look that messed up, right?

Here is my newest article for Weekly Biz Japanese Newspaper. Not that there are dentists out there looking on the internet for "Dental DIY" projects, but if you've been a dentist long enough, it makes you wonder sometimes.... For your reading pleasure!

It Looks So Quick and Easy

One of my daughter’s favorite things to do is “DIY” projects. It stands for “Do It Yourself”.  Her bedroom is always a collection of 10 different projects that she is in the middle of doing. Next to her chair is a scarf that she is knitting me. It’s been 3 months and the scarf is only 2 feet long. There is also T-shirt that she is painting for her brother. I’m afraid that by the time she’s finished, he would have outgrown that size. She gets all her ideas on the internet. 

There are plenty of people posting things that they have done themselves that came out gorgeous and perfect. They show the instructions step by step and it looks so quick and easy. After a 5 minute video, the project is finished! Beautiful! It could be baking a cake, it could be knitting a sweater, or it could be making a pair of earrings, or even painting your kitchen table. Everything is “SUGOI!” (meaning Great! or Amazing! in Japanese)  after the video.

In reality, that is not true. A lot of my daughter’s DIY projects have been unsuccessful.  A patient came to my office and wanted to improve her smile. She had gotten veneers, which are porcelain pieces bonded to the fronts of her teeth. They change the color, shape and size of her teeth. They are supposed to make her smile beautiful but instead she said it made her look like a horse. The veneers looked too thick, too white and too big. She had paid a lot of money as well. “The dentist said it would be the quickest and easiest way to improve my smile.” She said sadly. “But I’m thinking this was a big expensive mistake! Please tell me you can fix it! My friend speaks very highly of you and your office!” 

As many photos of perfect DIY projects there are on the internet, there are even more FAILED photos from people who were not prepared or not experienced enough to do the projects. When looking for a dental office, don’t necessarily look for the cheapest dental office; don’t necessarily look for the closest dental office, but look for the dentist with the most experience and the dentist that certainly knows what they’re doing. A good way to start is by asking friends and co-workers which dental office they go to and why. Make sure these are friends and co-workers that take care of their teeth on a regular basis, going for checkups and cleanings and not just for emergency visits. 

As for that patient, we were able to remove those ugly veneers and make her some that were beautiful and natural looking.  After 2 visits, she was able to leave happy and smiling. Sugoi! Now, if I can get my daughter to finish up knitting my scarf before winter is over, I can say “Sugoi!” again!

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