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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Let's get cozy with Cozi!

After a few days of using the Cozi Calendar with high hopes.... It's not going as smoothly as I anticipated. I thought it would all go like clockwork. No more nagging people to do things, no more trying to remember what people have to do on different days, no more forgetting to put things on the shopping list, etc...

I'm mainly trying to get the family schedule in control right now. I'm also trying to get everyone used to their own "To Do" list. Putting the family schedule on the calendar is a no brainer. It took a good 1/2 hr to get everything from the manual calendar transferred. It's also great that I can put on anniversaries, birthdays, and the such once and it'll give me a reminder every year. That, I like. Automation!

With the list of things to do, that's a question of compliance! Hmmm...I had told my kids to check the Cozi Calendar after they finish homework. There is a separate "To Do" list for everyone in the family. I put down stuff for them to do like "do your own laundry", or "clean hamster cage". This is how it goes down...

-Did you guys finish homework?  


-OK, well, crack-a-lack on it. Check the Cozi Calendar for your list of things to do afterwards. Not too much hee-hawing around, alright? 

-Check the what?!

-The Cozi!, the Cozi  Calendar! The thing I told you guys about...the family calendar I set up on the computer!

-Oh, that!

I'm looking forward to it replacing the manual calendar of my scribbles and cross-outs in each small square for the days. I will look to write something down and see that someone has scrawled across the entire square "CLASS TRIP!! BRING LUNCH!"  I guess it was really important for whoever wrote it and for me to see it but, come on, leave some room for the rest of us to write stuff. The only thing missing from that "class trip" note was neon lights and sound effects.

I'm looking forward to that sweet peaceful day when I'm sitting in my favorite sofa, reading a book and sipping a mug of hot  lemon tea knowing that my hectic scheduling has been reduced to a few click click clicks on the computer.And somehow, everyone in the family speaks with British accents all of a sudden!

-Mother, when is my school trip?    (instead of: "Mommy! I forgot when my school trip is! When is it??")

-Check the Cozi, dear.   (instead of: "School trip? Did I even sign the permission slip? I don't remember!")

-Of course, apologies, Mother, my mistake.    (instead of " Mommy! You're supposed to keep track of these things!")

We'll see how this goes...

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