I was checking on the status of my Cozi Calendar when I came across this entry for Valentine's Day.....
"Put on some kalon to impress my g friend"
This was entered as an "All Day" event to be done on Feb 14th by my 11 year old son.
I almost had a cross between a heart attack and a laughing fit!
Mind you, he's barely 11....
Wasn't it just last year that he was up late writing Valentine's Day cards for his whole class so that no one would be left out? since when does his Valentine's Day attention get singled out to one specific female person??
Just yesterday, he gave me a paper plate project that was made in school for Valentine's Day.
On it, he taped his computer class project that said, "Happy Valentine's Day Mommy! I love you! I love you because now you cook as well as Grandma but you don't get the recipes from the TV like her, you learned it from Cooking Mama on the Wii. Love your one and only son, xoxoxoxoxoxo times 1000000000000!"
Doesn't it kinda boil down to what matters to an 11 year old boy? where and when is their next meal coming from and their excitement for life is always to the nth degree.
But back to this g-friend business...... G friend??!! What G friend?!?!?!
I discreetly ask him, "So.... what are you doing for Valentine's Day tomorrow?"
"I don't know, I don't have a girlfriend anymore," he said sadly.
I was relieved and curious at the same time. "What happened?" I asked.
"She likes someone else now." Poor thing, heartbreak can be tough! *me, sighing with relief!*
I put my arms around his small shoulders. "Don't worry, girls can be like that sometimes."
"OK, Mommy. But that's just not very nice of her though." (Live and learn, son, live and learn!)
I was tapping away on my computer later when he came up to me, hugged me and said brightly, "Happy Valentine's Day, Mommy! You're the best, I love you!" He handed me a stretchy bracelet with bright pink beads that spell out "M-O-M" and with hearts.
Future girlfriends, let me tell you, this stretchy bracelet will always be more precious than any piece of jewelry from Tiffany's or any dozen long-stemmed roses!
Until the time he has a "real" girlfriend, I will cherish his homemade cards from school. Future girlfriends will get fancy Hallmark cards with mushy sentimental poems that are already printed on the inside but I will get his unabashed unfettered love affirmations surrounded by painted macaroni and paper lace doilies.
On the other hand.... I will be sniffing him tomorrow when I give him a hug as he leaves for school......
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