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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Just Do It!

Flossing.... gotta do it.... have to do it... need to do it... do I do it every day?No.... But I need to be listen to what I tell my patients... JUST DO IT!   This morning my patient asked me if I floss everyday.  I'm honest with her. No, I don't floss everyday. But I need to be better at it. Let's work on it together. Here's my latest monthly article for Weekly Biz. For your reading pleasure!


As a dentist, two of the more popular questions I get asked are, “When should I floss, before brushing or after brushing?” and “Should I floss in the morning or at night?”

I’m glad that people ask that because it shows that they are flossing or are thinking of starting to floss. Some patients have been flossing all along but they are just wondering if there is a better way. Other patients have not been flossing and want to get started on the right path. It doesn’t matter which group you belong to. I’m just happy the thought is there.

Recently I saw on the internet that a bowler was able to score 280 by bowling backwards. I’m not an expert at bowling. I’m happy if I get over 100! 280 seem pretty close to a perfect score. He originally started bowling backwards as a bet with his friends. He was bowling badly forward so he tried bowling backwards. It worked and he’s been doing it every time.

Same with flossing, I don’t care if you floss before brushing or after brushing. As long as you are getting in between the teeth and cleaning the bacteria out of there, I’m happy.  In terms of flossing in the morning or at night, I would prefer you floss after every meal but if it’s once, at night. In the morning, most people are rushed to get out of the house to work. Most people would tend to rush brushing as well and flossing would be left out. At night, people tend to have more time to include flossing. Flossing at night would also clean out the food and bacteria that have collected there throughout the day. At night there is also less saliva protecting the teeth for all those sleeping hours so I would want a more thorough cleaning routine.

Be like that backwards bowler. Flossing before brushing or after brushing, doesn’t matter. Do whatever feels comfortable for you. But if you can’t floss after every meal, at least floss at night.  Be the bowler that scores high as well!

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