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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Happy Left Handers Day!

Today is International Left Handers Day!  

I sent a Face Book shout-out for my South Paw Friends today! (BTW, I've never noticed it before but President Obama is a lefty as well!) I did some Google searching for proven and perceived differences in left handers vs right handers. Fun stuff to read!

When my kids were learning to use crayons and markers growing up, I encouraged them to use their right hand.  Allison always stuck to using her right hand but Harrison would sometimes fool around and use his left hand. A few years ago, he had injured his right thumb so he wanted out of doing homework.

"Mommy, I can't do homework today,"
"Why not?"
"My thumb hurts when I write."
"Use your other hand. If that doesn't work, try your foot. No getting out of homework." 
"OK Mommy" He goes back into his room.
After awhile, he emerges with his homework in hand for me to check. 
I looked at it and everything was correct. 
"What took you so long?"
"I told you my thumb hurts when I write."
"So you wrote slower?"
"No, I used my left hand like you told me to."
Surprisingly enough, the handwriting looked the same....Messy preteen boys handwriting.
Ever since then, he's been able to alternate between using his right hand and his left hand. 
Sometimes I see him using his left hand to write, sometimes his right. He will also alternate with which hand he uses to eat.... even with chopsticks! Makes me wonder if he is a reformed left-hander or is he ambidextrous? 

 I'm sure you all know one or two "reformed left-handers". Does it really matter which hand you use? Granted most people are born right-handed, why is society making such a big deal about being left-handed?  There  are proven differences between left handers and right handers. Some are health related, some are career related and some are personality related, and some are sports related. Some are, you guessed it, are DENTAL related!

Here is my latest article for the Daily Sun Japanese newspaper. I just gave it to my assistant to translate so I thought I'd let you have a go at the English version. Have fun and enjoy!

Dear Diary…. Happy Left Handers Day

August 13th is International Left Handers Day!  Did you know that the hand you write with affects your teeth? It sure does! Right-handed people will tend to chew more on their right side while left-handed people will tend to chew more on their left side.

Being a dentist for so many years, I get to observe certain things with patients. Certain things are noticed even without doing scientific research and writing a scientific paper on the topic.  Things are usually not equal on both sides of patient’s mouths. Usually one side will have more fillings and cavities than the other. Right-handed people will tend to get more cavities on the right side. I know that is true because I have more restorations on my right side as well. I’m right handed.  Right-handed people will start brushing on the outer left sides of their teeth. They will also brush this side the most thoroughly. They will brush the outer right side of their teeth less effectively. This is the opposite for left-handed people. Different quadrants are easier or harder to reach depending on your dominant hand.

What to do about this? I will have right-handed patients start brushing on their outer right side first. That way, they are more aware of the difference in brushing motion and pressure of the toothbrush. They will also tend to spend more time on that unloved side rather than rushing through it towards the end. I will also tell right-handed patients to turn their heads as they’re brushing to get to the outer right side teeth better.

What’s even better, I tell my patients, is if they use an electric toothbrush with a timer.  That way, the movement, motion, pressure and time is controlled and exact every 30 seconds.  Every thing is the same and no side gets left out.

So whether you are left-handed or right-handed, next time you’re brushing your teeth, pay attention to which side you’re favoring. Make sure to pay attention to both sides of your mouth with the same movements and timing. The result in reducing cavities will make me AND you smile!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Just Do It!

Flossing.... gotta do it.... have to do it... need to do it... do I do it every day?No.... But I need to be listen to what I tell my patients... JUST DO IT!   This morning my patient asked me if I floss everyday.  I'm honest with her. No, I don't floss everyday. But I need to be better at it. Let's work on it together. Here's my latest monthly article for Weekly Biz. For your reading pleasure!


As a dentist, two of the more popular questions I get asked are, “When should I floss, before brushing or after brushing?” and “Should I floss in the morning or at night?”

I’m glad that people ask that because it shows that they are flossing or are thinking of starting to floss. Some patients have been flossing all along but they are just wondering if there is a better way. Other patients have not been flossing and want to get started on the right path. It doesn’t matter which group you belong to. I’m just happy the thought is there.

Recently I saw on the internet that a bowler was able to score 280 by bowling backwards. I’m not an expert at bowling. I’m happy if I get over 100! 280 seem pretty close to a perfect score. He originally started bowling backwards as a bet with his friends. He was bowling badly forward so he tried bowling backwards. It worked and he’s been doing it every time.

Same with flossing, I don’t care if you floss before brushing or after brushing. As long as you are getting in between the teeth and cleaning the bacteria out of there, I’m happy.  In terms of flossing in the morning or at night, I would prefer you floss after every meal but if it’s once, at night. In the morning, most people are rushed to get out of the house to work. Most people would tend to rush brushing as well and flossing would be left out. At night, people tend to have more time to include flossing. Flossing at night would also clean out the food and bacteria that have collected there throughout the day. At night there is also less saliva protecting the teeth for all those sleeping hours so I would want a more thorough cleaning routine.

Be like that backwards bowler. Flossing before brushing or after brushing, doesn’t matter. Do whatever feels comfortable for you. But if you can’t floss after every meal, at least floss at night.  Be the bowler that scores high as well!